So sorry that i didn't post anything yesterday! I had an exciting day and was just to exhausted to put my thoughts into order last night. Yesterday Hannah, Lynette, Emma (the nurse), Matt and I went to the fabric market! It was so much fun! after about 15 minutes, i realized that i felt like i was back home shopping with friends. Matt came with us cuz he knew where the market was, but i don't think he realized that he was going shopping with 4 girls. He looked so insanely bored!
This is Matt sitting outside in the FIRST shop we were in! hehe...reminded me of when Mom would take Asa shopping when he was younger. |
I ended up getting two lovely fabrics. They were about $2.50 a yard, so a pretty good price. There was a seafood stand selling oysters and crabs and things at the market as well. The gross thing is that they were in huge baskets in the hot hot sun, flies everywhere. Some of the crabs were still alive and were crawling all over the place. It was crazy.
Here are some pictures of the day. I can't figure out how to get them in a particular order so they unfortunately are kind of random.
A funny little car we saw on our way back from the market. |
Some goats that Lynette thought were adorable and begged me to take a picture of. |
Before we left Lynette was complaining that she needed a hat to protect her head from the sun. So Jenny ( who didn't go with us) said she could borrow her "five guys burger and fries" baseball hat. Here's the hilarious result of Lynette wearing Jenny's hat. Gotta love it. |
This is what a lot of the clothes markets look like. Basically all the clothes on hangers out on the street. |
A view of the street, there are shops all up and down the street on either side |
Lovely Lynette and her hat ;) |
The last couple of days have been rather eye opening to me. Sometimes you think you have something figured out but when you try to explain it to someone else you realize your grasp on what you thought you knew is very limited. I think God uses our witnessing to others to further our own knowledge of Him. To make us really figure and find out what we really believe and what we just say we believe. God is so great. There is no one like Him. I'm realizing, over the last couple of days how great and powerful He is.
Today I started reading Praying God's Words by Beth Moore. I'd been putting off reading it, honestly because i thought it would be boring. One of the first things she talks about is knowing truth by reciting truth, over and over and over again. Really letting it sink into your head. It's really interesting that I would read that particular part of the book today because I'm also reading a book called Mockingjay. The main character, Katniss, is struggling with knowing and remembering the truth about life. So she repeats over and over to herself what she knows is true. I found it very coincidental that I should read two very very different books on the same day about reciting truth to remember and know that it is in fact true. I'm certain it wasn't just a coincidence. God is doing something in my life, and it revolves around reciting and believing truth all day every day. Oh the things that I am learning here in Africa! Thank you to everyone who helped send me here for this experience...i never would have learned all these things in this exciting way if it weren't for you. I don't know why God chose to send me to this place, but He did and i'm so thankful.
Goodnight world :)
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