Sometimes it takes me a while to post something because i don't have any pictures...and i feel like blog posts are boring without pictures. That's why it's taken me a while to blog. However, i've had more then one person (looks pointedly at mom and Drew) ask me to blog i go!
Went for a 2 hour walk in town with Josh Dodge, Matt, Julie and Florian. We got a little bit lost at one point and ended up walking through some people's back yards. We saw a lot of little gardens/nursery's. Some of them were really really pretty. One guy was watering his garden and all i could think was...OMG he's watering all this by hand probably two or three times a day!!!
On the way back to the port, we were stopped by someone wanting to know when he could come to the ship and see a doctor. Unfortunately he didn't speak enough English and we didn't speak enough French to be able to tell him the screening dates. We ended up stopping different people on the street until we found someone who spoke enough of both languages to translate. I've got to learn more French.
We are starting on week two with our day workers. Last week went pretty darn well! They all speak enough English that we are able to make jokes and have a good time with them. For this field service each galley team has day workers that work on the days they work. So on my team we have Tom (Pittoh), Yao (who worked on the Africa Mercy a couple years ago), Ohini (I remember his name because it sounds like tahini) and Fatmata (the only girl). Tom is very much meant to be a teacher. He is faithfully teaching me and Tori (a new crew member in the galley) French. I can introduce myself, ask your name, ask how you slept and ask if you work on the weekend. He's a good teacher because he's teaching us how to conjugate verbs and such instead of just making us memorize phrases.
Lots of crew are starting to come on board! it seems like every day we have new people. I'm getting a new roommate on Tuesday, so please be praying for her travel and pre arrival jitters.
I'm starting to feel just about as nervous to go home as i felt before i came to Africa. I was going to an unknown place with unknown people. And i'm returning home not knowing where i'll live or where i'll work. One thing i've learned in Africa though is that God is faithful. End of story. I'm confident that he will take care of me. I'm learning how to let go and just put everything in God's hands.
Anyway...a new day is soon upon us in Togo. Pray for God to bless this land!