Home sweet home

Home sweet home
The Africa Mercy
"Greater things are yet to come,
Greater things are still to be done in this city"
"He does not forget the cry of the afflicted" Psalm 9:12

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentines day!

Today I became an adult.  Finally! hehe.  Last night at 11 PM Joshua informed me I had an hour to get rid of any childlikeness left in me :)  I highly doubt the childness is completely out of my system.  Sorry Josh.   Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! It's kind of interesting having my 21st birthday on an international ship.  Turning 21 is only big in the states.  Everywhere else the drinking age is much younger.  So all the Americans on the ship were like "CONGRATS!!" and everyone else was like "woohoo."  I had a fantastic day though! I slept in, opened my presents with my roommates.  went and talked to Carol and found out i had presents that had been stashed away as a surprise.  It was so wonderful! I sat down and found a new knitting project, watched MONK (which i got today) and drank a lovely cup of coffee (which i also got today).
Later in the day we went out to dinner at a really delicious restaurant called Cote Jehardine ( i think that's how you spell it...).  It was really delicious.  Enjoy the lovely pictures :)

Getting ready for out big dinner! (notice the lovely shirt i'm wearing...i had it tailored here)

All the girls dressed up and ready to go (notice the skirt...also tailored here)
First glass of  'legal' champagne!

Bronte and Becca

Me and Julie

Marilyn (Left) carol (right)

I'm legal baby!

We ordered pizza and it came with this huge knife to cut it.

Julie got a delicious espresso and i thought it was really cute, it came with steamed milk on the side and two sugar cubes . Africa, I love you.
Happy Valentines day all! And thank you so much to everyone who helped make this birthday special for me.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday!!! Be-lated but oh well
    glad you were able to do something special
