I learned today that you WILL get burned in the African sun no matter how much sunscreen you put on! We took a poda poda, a van that is supposed to sit 12 but the African's cram up to 20 people in to Waterloo. From there we took a taxi, a five seater that fit 7 people in. It was crazy! i was like sitting on top of two people in the back. And the window didn't roll down so it was rediculously hot. We were all ready to get in the water! The people we went with knew a family that had a house on the beach so we were able to leave our stuff safely there. The porch was also a nice place to get out from the sun for awhile. Matt and Sam were in the shade most of the day but ended up the most burned of all of us! poor guys. The beach was absolutly gorgeous! We were in the water most of the day just body surfing the waves and hanging out. When we were driving back we were starving so we got the African version of fast food. you have to drive slowly through town becuase of all the people. Most of them want to sell you something so when they ran up to our car we bought two shishkabob things. Yes we ate street meat...no idea what it was. but we all ate it so if one gets sick we all get sick i guess. In Waterloo on the way back there was some kind of weird celebration going on. No one really knew what it was except
that there were people dancing around in masks and grass skirts that covered their whole body. Some of them were on stilts. It was really strange and a little spooky.
Matt (left) and Ben sunscreening up for a day at the beach |
Matt walking to the beach |
It was an awesome day! when we got home we had unfortunatly missed dinner. So i went into the galley and got some things and we made our own dinner in the crew galley (a kitchen specifically for the crew). It was the best meal i've had since i got here. and now i'm exhausted. Goodnight :)
Dear Emma - thanks so much for the great pics - I'm very much enjoying your chronicle - Grandma and Grandpa are coming over on Wed to read it - so maybe put something on there or send them a message via my facebook page on Tues - they would enjoy that! Wemiss you - we are watching "Thor" Doug is over - Asa and Doug are going to a "fellowship of christian athelets" meeting tomorrow morning - EARLY. I'm hoping that they really like it and its edifying! TAKE CARE AND WE LOVE YOU!!!!! Mom