Matt and I went into town today and i got some wonderful things! i found yarn that i've NEVER seen here before. It's like the stuff i would get back home, good quality and very lovely. I have no idea what i'm going to make but i'll find something to do with it i'm sure.
Today I went to the Cheshire Home. I've talked about it before, but they are a Christian home for people with polio. It's not just for children, there are adults there as well. When we got there, we smelled a very odd smell. It burned your throat and nose and made your eyes water. We were told that a football (really it's soccer) field had been tear gased and the gas was still floating through the air. It was an awful feeling/smell. Thankfully it only lasted about ten minutes. We sang lots of songs with the kids. It's so wonderful to worship in Krio. It's mostly English, so once you've heard the song a couple times you can sing with it. Today was the 'official' last day of us going there (however i think we will be going back at least once before the ship leaves). Tiffany (a MercyShips lady who organizes the visits) put together a whole bunch of gifts for the people at Cheshire home. They absolutely loved it! While we were handing out gifts the kids were all passing around my sunglasses. They were so adorable!
One of the adults at Cheshire home...i can't pronounce or spell his name :( |
Krissy and baby Isha |
Showing off the sunglasses (mine or on the girl on the right) |
A true fashion princess...look at that smile! |
Marie and Me |
I had to bed Marie to let me take her picture. She is a truly beautiful girl |
One of the kids wanted to take my i let them :) |
I told them to make a silly face |
Ladonn checking out the coloring book this little girl got |
I love how the sunglasses are sliding down her nose! so funny! |
Marie showing off the bracelet, baby doll, hair brush/mirror set, headband and candy that she got. |
One of the songs that really moved me is when all of these people, who have suffered so much physically and emotionally sang a song that went: I need a touch from the Master, I need a touch from the Lord. I thought how much they needed a touch from the Great Healer. And then i thought...He has touched them. He has touched their hearts and minds. They were so happy singing. We stopped after like 3 songs and they begged us to sing more, so we kept on singing. One of the little boys was conducting from his chair. It was adorable. Another little boy was using one of the cabinets as a drum and he had amazing rhythm.
On the subject of music, in American churches we have two clapping rhythms : slow and steady, or fast and steady. There's really no deviating from those two. Here they have all these crazy rhythms and beats that they clap and it's really freaking hard to sing and clap these crazy rhythms! It's really funny at devotions or church on the ship you can look around and see the people who sing and clap and the people who can only do one or the other. Oh the joys of different cultures!
That's all for now. Emma
hmmm i think you should spell check before posting