Home sweet home

Home sweet home
The Africa Mercy
"Greater things are yet to come,
Greater things are still to be done in this city"
"He does not forget the cry of the afflicted" Psalm 9:12

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Today was very full! Tonight was a fall festival on the ship.  We had carnival booths, prizes, popcorn, apple bobbing, candy and a costume contest.  I helped run the fishing booth.  Here are some pictures.
Krissy and I spent a couple hours during the day drawing and cutting out these lovely fishes

Some of the costumes that came through the fishing booth :) 

It's really cute because the kids all call candys sweeties.  I don't know why but everytime the fishing pole brought up a candy they would say "Oh a sweetie!!" it was adorable.  

This girl's hair actually does this on it's own.  There is no wire or anything in her hair!

Me and the fishing booth!

The guy with the mullet is our chaplain.  The scary part is that the wig actually looked like it could be real.

Evil geniuses disguised as regular human beings :) Love it!

After the festival we hung the fishes on our door and put our name tags by each fish :)
Hello Spokane!  Jay and i wanted to make sure we got a picture of us to send to Kids Community.  I miss you New Community!

I forgot to put up this picture the other day when Heather left.  My bunkmate is gone :(  I flipped her old bunk up last night and it was really strange having such a huge open space above me.  It really was odd. Heather i miss you!!!

Notice Marinas bandanna: Hannah Montana.  I thought it was really funny and asked her where she got it.  She said that her daughter is very into Hannah Montana and High School Musical. 
So i realize that tonight there are a lot of pictures and not really any content...hm...I will work on content for  the next entry.  I really can't think of anything interesting to say...oh! A question that was asked a while ago is what has to be done to prepare for sailing.  The answer is that i'm not really sure.  I know that i am attending a safety orientation meeting next week which i believe is dealing with different safety issues while we're sailing.  Extra precautions are also being made to avoid stowaways. The word stowaway reminds me of like the 1900's and reading stories of sailing and young boys wanting to become sailors and such.  But...stowaways is a very serious concern right now.  A couple attempts have already been made to get onto the ship via the mooring lines, either to steal things or to stowaway (notice i said attempts...none were successful to my knowledge).  So prayers would be appreciated that we sail away with only what belongs on the ship.
That's all for tonight ;)

1 comment:

  1. When is your departure date? And I heard that when you dock you'll be somewhere where skype will be possible?
