There are many things I am learning here that i want to remember when i go home. One of the phrases i never want to forget is this
"When Satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future"
The pastor at the Africa church i went to today said that phrase. He followed up with the thought that the only glory that Satan will ever know is in his past when he was in heaven. Therefore, he lives in the past, in his former glory. It makes sense then that he reminds us of our past. He doesn't want to think about his future, because that would mean having to admit certain defeat to God. We must think of our future and not our past because our future is living with God while his is destruction. It was a very good sermon this morning.
Krissy and I waiting at Fourbey road to get picked up to go to church |
A brief summary of the church we went to: There was a lot of singing and dancing. When they clapped during a song it wasn't like a steady beat, they clapped in rhythm. Very cool. The little kids were so cute to watch, they were all dancing and singing (even like the 2 year olds). Worship was about an hour long. Then there was a message followed by testimony time. He asked for people to share what God had done in their life. I didn't understand much of what they lady who shared said. It was all in Krio. After that was a time of prayer and casting out of demonic forces. That was interesting...definitely new to me. There were two offerings. One right after the other. The children had a song offering. They had all memorized different scripture verses and recited them.
The kiddos! |
We were the honored guests, seated right in front. They prayed for us and welcomed us from MercyShips. It was a wonderful experience. It was a very different experience from a couple weeks ago when i went to an african Anglican church.
Hey Emma - what a great experience - I am so happy that you are taking advantage of all these eperiences that you are being offered - what a great church service - I bet you liked it with all the dancing and stuff!! Love to you!! MOM