Home sweet home

Home sweet home
The Africa Mercy
"Greater things are yet to come,
Greater things are still to be done in this city"
"He does not forget the cry of the afflicted" Psalm 9:12

Saturday, December 17, 2011

What a wonderful day! I have been so blessed with doing the Christmas play for the academy.  It was SSOO much work and at times i wasn't always happy about it but it was so worth it.  With Krissy leaving on Monday I've been somewhat depressed.  It's quite sad to see most of your friends leaving.  Especially Krissy...I'm really going to miss her laugh and her company.  Helping with the play though, has connected me to the teachers who i haven't really had the chance to connect with yet.  So it was an extremely worthwhile experience.  it was also so nice to get to work with the kids and to see them grow and learn.
Today before the performance Shelly (the director of the play) opened up the floor (not in front of everyone, just with the kids/teachers) for people to thank and recognize people who have done an outstanding job this last week.  I was super surprised when a lot of the kids thanked me for all my hard work and patience.  I didn't see that coming at all.  This play has been a load of fun and I'm so glad I was asked to be part of it. and now to the pictures!

Getting ready for the big performance

this is how the girls get ready
Kylie and Jillian
Grace, Iona (front) and Angie (back) with the lovely Gini
This is how the preschoolers get ready
and this is how the boys get ready
first we had a hand bell coir (the elementary did two songs and then the high school did one song)
'Imagine' is all about the myth that Jesus possibly wasn't born on December 25th, perhaps in the summer time.  So we are imagining that we have Christmas in the summer time

the lovely Josie singing where did Christmas go

African manager scene! (notice the sheep trying to eat baby Jesus)

The basic story of the play is that two girls along with their friend Ethan and his newly adopted brother Michael are helping this little old lady decorate for Christmas.  In the midst of decorating a bunch of Christ-myths come up.

adorable little sheep and cows!
 Well, that is all the pictures I have for now.  There will be more pictures soon.  I'm just to tired to go get them.  I have to work the next three days so please be praying for strength.

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